When Amber’s family arrived at Pawpaw’s house, she climbed out of the family van and patiently waited for her turn to hug him. Her little brothers had already swarmed their grandfather, hoping to be the first to get a ride on his Harley Davidson.
At last the din subsided, and Pawpaw turned to Amber and asked, “How do you like my new car?” She glanced at the late model sedan in the driveway. It was beautiful—nicer than anything her dad had ever purchased, and meticulously cared for. But somehow, she couldn’t imagine her rugged grandfather driving that instead of his motorcycle.
Then he asked, “Do you wanna drive it?” Of course she agreed. And she loved it. This vehicle was nothing like the rickety old family van she sometimes got to drive.
After a drive through the countryside they returned to Pawpaw’s house. Amber got out and handed the keys to her grandfather. He handed them back. She looked at him. He slowly smiled. Amber’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped in astonishment. “Are you for serious?!” were her exact words.
Pawpaw was indeed “for serious.” He had freely given his cherished granddaughter a car for no reason other than this: He loved his granddaughter very much.
The best gifts are like that, given simply because someone loves us. We don’t deserve it, there’s no occasion for it except the giver’s love. That’s what grace is. It’s God’s gift simply because he loves.
Our Daily Bread Ministries