Christian Beliefs

Guided by the Spirit

Following Jesus

Relationship or Religion


Learning to Love Like Jesus


Accepting God’s Gift to You

Life to Come

The Hope of the Christian Faith

The Forgiveness of God

God Is Love

Reflection on the Character of God

Get Outside

Knowing God Through His Creation

Our Eternal Home

I Am the Way

The Amazing Claims of Jesus

Is Jesus God?

The Answer Matters

The Real Gift of Christmas

Scandalous Savior

How Jesus Revealed the Heart of God

One of Us

Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?

How Can I Know God Through His Book?

Feeling the Weight of Sin

Just Before Heaven

The Judgment Seat Of Christ

God’s Choice or Ours

Predestination and Election

The Mockery and Majesty of the Cross

What If It’s True?

What Jesus Means for You

Is the Bible Reliable?

A Story of a Life Led by the Spirit

Did Christ Really Rise From The Dead?

The Light of The World

Experiencing the Splendor of Christmas

What About Those Who Have Never Heard?

Taking Sin Seriously

The Amazing Names of the Messiah

What We Believe

Foundations of Christian Doctrine

Why We Believe

Evidences For Christian Faith

Questions Skeptics Ask About The God Of The Old Testament

Revealed: How God Makes Himself Known


What Can We Agree On?

Do Christians Believe In Three Gods?

The God of Eternity

What is Heaven?

What the Bible Says about Eternity

Reclaiming Hope: Why We All Need Mercy, Justice, and Hope

Surprised by Grace: How Jesus Defies Our Expectations

Eye Contact with God

The Faithfulness of God – The Floor Beneath Our Feet

David, Goliath, and the Gospel:

Living in Light of Our Savior’s Victory

Losing Our Religion – Finding Hope in Union with Christ

The Trinity

Changing Everything

The Mission of God

A Rumor of Hope

The Good News of Easter

God’s Invitation into Wholeness

Living in Love – How the Trinity Changes Everything

“This Trinity Thing”