Those who accept the Genesis account of creation do so with the conviction that the book of God’s general revelation also tells the story of a Designer and Creator of inexpressible intelligence, wisdom, and power. This conclusion brings some additional implications:
1. Naturalistic Explanations for the Origin of Life are Not Adequate. Those who recognize the beauty, purposefulness, and power of the Genesis account have reason to reject as inadequate any evolutionary explanations for the origin of mankind that deny an intelligent, loving, good, and superintending Creator who is the origin of everything our senses perceive.
The findings of science give us no proof and little evidence that truly “simple” life-forms could develop into the kind of complexity and diversity we see in the world around us. Consider the following: the strong genetic resistance to change found among living things; the unfathomable amount of nonmaterial information required to organize and maintain even elementary life functions; and the overwhelming evidence of a universe fine-tuned for the existence of life on our planet. Those factors currently stand opposed to the basic naturalistic explanation of life’s origins that no intelligence and deliberation stand behind the reality we know. Wherever science reaches with its most sophisticated instruments, we still find incredible complexity and profound mystery.
2. Unanswered Questions are to be Expected and Welcomed. Once we understand that the cosmos has been created by an eternal, infinite, loving Creator, who also took the initiative to communicate to us through His two books, we can accept the mystery of what He has chosen not to tell us.
For the honest person who desires to see consensus between the special and general revelations, this can create tension. Such tension, however, does not have to hinder the quest for understanding. Since both nature and the Scriptures are from the mind and hand of God, we can enjoy pursuing and pondering what is currently unknown. No fact arising from scientific study should threaten the faith of the follower of Christ, because He is the Author of both books. To be sure, humanity’s natural curiosity is strong evidence for the fact that people are made in the image of God—who may well delight in every one of our discoveries about Him and His works.